Customized Metabolix Testing
Testing in 8 target groups: Vitamin Deficiencies, Blood Sugar Imbalances, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Toxicity, Gastrointestinal Stress, Stress Hormone Imbalance, Fatty Acid Imbalance. Click here to find out more information on testing and metabolic protocols.
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Take our LRQ to Get Started Now!
The Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire was created to assess your health risks. The questions cover different body systems along with diet, lifestyle, and body composition in order to give us an idea of your overall health risk. You will see that some questions have two parts; the second part of the question only applies if you answered ‘Yes’ to the first part of the question. After you complete the questionnaire, your doctor will give you a ‘score’ to help determine your risk level and to pin point areas that require the most support. Call the office to schedule your consult to determine the right plan for you.
Patient: Rachel, female,28- History of skin problems, constipation, couldn’t find her words, low energy. Has been ML patient for 3 years.
After Metabolix: energy improved, skin cleared up, and was able to find words again. At retest everything cleared up and she had a toxic exposure that we discovered was from a job she had at a hair/nail salon she worked for a couple months filming and creating marketing campaign on site
Patient: o John, male, 43: ML patient for 10+ years. HX: laid off, difficulty sleeping, eats fast food every single meal, no motivation, anxiety, colds/flus constantly sick, acne, migraines, headaches, lack of focus & concentration, brain fog, muscle cramps, shortness of breath, snoring, depression and low energy.
After Metabolix: so thankful he was laid off for 3 months so he really could focus on Metabolix and take health to next level since he would never change his diet before. No more fast food (only 1 time during entire process), cooking meals, following protocol, no more bloating after dinner, felt so good that made a new resume and started interviewing and got a great job managing people. He said there is no way he would have been able to get that job and go through the rigorous training process if he hadn’t done the Metabolix program. Lost 25+ lbs. Feels sharper than ever before.
Leaky Gut
Patient: o Lin, female, 64: Came to office from a Metabolix talk and drives 3 hours 1 way to get to our office. She was headed to a nursing home. She just says that “everything is awful”, came to us with everything wrong, almost nonfunctional unable to leave house, move or take care of herself. Hx of using bleach 3-4x day compulsively, bowel and bladder leakage daily, can’t lose weight & very depressed about it. Also using major pesticide sprays on her pastures on the farm.
After Metabolix: bowel & bladder leakage stopped, lost 8+ lbs first month, drinking reverse osmosis water and loving it now, small workouts of squatting MaxT3, focus & clarity better, memory improved, not taking morning nap anymore, not cranky in office anymore like she was in the beginning. She’s still got a ways to go but getting her life back and is functional now.